1 Chronicles 25 (December 27)

                                                                             One, Two, Three, Ninety…

            “God has given Heman fourteen sons and three daughters.”

            One of the hymns that have brought joy and blessings to my soul, is that which goes,

            “Count your blessings

            Count them one by one…

            Count your many blessings

            See what God has done!”

            In these final days of the year, we would do well to stop and reflect on all the events that have transpired and thank God for his providence and guidance.  Take a moment today; to count (and write) all the blessings you have received from God so far; you will be amazed by the results!

            If we are honest with ourselves, we must confess that we are by nature, a very ungrateful generation.  We forget God’s blessings, but remember every single calamity or adversity…like the man who notices a minuscule black dot on an otherwise blank (white) paper.  Isn’t this dwelling on the negative?

            Everything good that is in us, or that we possess, comes from God (James 1:17).  If you want to continue feeding your soul-devouring-depression with the negative, you can do so, but the results will bring more depression. There will always be bad and negative things around us and people dwell on the negative most of the time.  Ah, but if your desire is to live with peace, love and joy every day, you must count God’s blessings and be grateful.

            Go ahead…start counting.

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