2 Samuel 8 (October 2)


            “The Lord gave victory to David…”

            A Christian singer (I don’t remember his name) was getting ready to start the concert. The auditorium was filled with expectant worshippers and eager fans. Suddenly, the singer appeared on the platform, delighting his followers and then he made the following announcement:

            “Dear brothers and sisters, if this concert does not meet your expectations, it’s my fault.  Nevertheless if it turns out to be a blessing for anyone, let it be known that all the credit and the glory belong to our God.”

            How correct was this Christian artist!  If there is something good in us; if we are victorious in any endeavor; if there is any blessing we bring to others, we owe it all to the grace and power of our Lord.

            There are two dangers associated with our victories in Christ.  First, we should not “humble” ourselves to death, or in other words; believe that we have no talents or spiritual gifts and that God cannot use us in a mighty way.

            Secondly, we must not fall prey to vainglory and pride. Vainglory is “vain” and useless, because the glory belongs only to God. In reality, He is the one who leads us into victory.

            What is needed then?

            Balance…and prayer.  If God deems us worthy to be used by Him; if we are triumphant in Christ; and if we are a blessing unto others, we can accept their words of gratitude, while we give all the glory to our God.

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