Burned Lambs (Numbers 28)

            “This is the offering…daily…”             The people of Israel were instructed by God to sacrifice two lambs daily.  The first lamb was burned in the morning, while the second one was sacrificed in the evening.  The holocaust was daily and permanent.  There were no “days off” or vacation for the…

 Daily Cry (Numbers 27)

            “Moses brought their case before the Lord.”                     “Daddy, Daniel hit me!”                     “Mom, Gabriel took my toy!”             In this, and many other ways, our children cry unto us.  They demand justice; they scream for revenge;…

Eternal Oasis (Numbers 26)

            “…every tribe shall be given its inheritance”             What great joy invades our soul when we listen to good news! Hope is reborn and we look forward to another day of life.  Good news are like oasis in the midst of a hot desert.             The Israelites were in…

Holy Zeal (Numbers 25)

            “…because he was zealous for his God,”             I heard the following story from pastor Domingo Fernandez:  There once was an extremely jealous husband in the city of Miami. He was in fact, so jealous that he did not allowed his wife to go out of the house under any…

The Only Star (Numbers 24)

             “A star shall come out of Jacob…”             Almost every loving couple has enjoyed a slow walk together under a starry night. There is nothing more romantic and idyllic than walking on the ocean shore under the stars.  The bright stars provide a touch of romanticism and radiance to…

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