1 Chronicles 17 (December 21)

                                                                                     Why Pray?

       “…your servant has found it possible to pray before you.”

        Have you ever felt unmotivated to pray?  If it’s any consolation, I would like to confess that I have been in this dreadful state of spiritual apathy on several occasions throughout my life.  What is the reason for this condition?  Perhaps my own weakness or attacks from the “dark side.”

        Nonetheless, there are always motives or reasons to pray to our loving Father.  I would like to share a poem that I wrote some time ago about the need of prayer. I pray that God will bless you through it.

“Why pray to thank our good Lord, why is it so necessary?

I believe it is to praise God, for the work of Christ on Calvary

We pray to thank our Lord, to give to God all the glory

He transformed us with his Word, this is our testimony.

Pray we must, for all the leaders, for our pastors and our teachers

Pray we will that all the sinners, find salvation in Christ Jesus

Let us pray for all the soldiers and for all peoples and nations

Let us pray for missionaries that announce God’s salvation

Let us pray for little children, for teenagers and their aching

Let us pray to have a burden, for the marriages that are breaking

There are always reasons to pray and thank God every morning

But the greatest, is to say, to God—how much we do love Him.”

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