1 Chronicles 18, 19 (December 22)

                                                                                   My Pilot

            “…and may the Lord do what seems good to him.”

            One of the hardest decisions for a Christian to make is to surrender completely and unreservedly to God’s will.  All of us can sacrifice ourselves occasionally, but total submission?  Well, that’s another story!

            How many of us have already reached a high degree of maturity in Christ, which allows us to accept whatever God designs for our lives? How many of us have surrendered completely to the Lord?

            A surrendered Christian is,

            A mature believer growing in Christ

            A non-conformist, who doesn’t know the meaning of giving up

            A servant, who recognizes God’s sovereignty and rejoices in his providence

            A child who trust that his Father is always in control

            When we surrender to God, we fear no evil and laugh at the storms that threaten our well-being.  God is in control of a surrendered heart; a heart that sings,

            “Do your will in me, Oh Lord, I trust in you

            I will praise your name when the sky is blue

            I surrender all, please Lord make me new

            I will follow you, you’re the only Truth”

            Lay aside doubt and fear and submit to God today.  Give up all the “keys” of your heart to Jesus and allow Him to be the Pilot of your soul.  He will take you higher than drugs and will use you in ways you never dreamed possible.

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