2 Kings 22 (December 1)

                                                             Heart to Heart

            “…because your heart was penitent…”

            Join me in my prayer:

            “Dear Lord Jesus, I come before your presence today, to praise, glorify, exalt and magnify your most holy and wonderful name. I come to you happy and sad. Happy, because you are my God and my Savior, and I can always approach your throne with boldness and confidence. Sad, because I have sinned against you once again and I am ashamed to be in your holy presence with my sin-stained hands.

            You are my Lord and my sweet Redeemer.  You are always in me, beside me and all around me.  I thank you for your undeserved grace and everlasting salvation.  Thank you for transforming my life and for making me a useful vessel for your glory. Thank you for forgiving me seventy times seven and beyond.

            Only one thing I ask from Thee:  A penitent and tender heart—a holy heart like king Josiah’s; a heart that worships only you.

            Please Lord, take my hardened heart because of sin, and soften it with the “oil” of your Holy Spirit.  Pull out—I beg of you—all the roots of bitterness from it and dissipate the clouds of doubt, so I can see your glorious face once again.

            Give me a new heart oh Lord; a sensitive heart that stirs at the sound of your voice; that trembles every time your Word is preached or communicated in any other way.  I humble myself before you my loving Father, because I need to listen from you…when you speak to me heart to heart.

            Thank you Lord Jesus, amen.”

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