1 Chronicles 4 (December 8)

                                                                     Big Heart

            “…and enlarge my border…”

            One of my wife’s greatest dreams is to be able to buy a big mansion one day.  If you would ask her why she wants such an enormous house for, she would promptly reply with a smile,

            “I want to buy a big house to have Christian concerts and activities for young people.”

            What a beautiful dream!  Imagine what a great blessing it would be, for us to open our homes to others in the name of Christ—a place of refuge and love for wounded souls and the new generation.

            Jabez’ desire was for God to enlarge his territory and the Lord heard his prayers.  In my heart, I long for God to “enlarge” many borders of my life.  This burning desire brings me to my knees as I seek the Lord in prayer.

            “Dear Lord Jesus, I love you and magnify your glorious name.  Enlarge, Oh Lord, my love for you and for others and enlarge my faith.  Help me to know you more, as I study your sacred Word and augment my vision.

            Enlarge also my service in your name; expand my daily devotional time and communion with you.  More than everything, Lord please enlarge my heart in order that your throne and dominion be greater and more powerful in me.” 

            Do you want a big heart? Pray that God will enlarge your heart and make it as big as Jesus’ heart. The only way we will be able to love God and serve Him in this loveless world, is if we have a big and soft heart that beats with the rhythm of heaven.

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