1 Chronicles 5 (December 9)

                                                            True Faith Waits

            “…because they trusted in him.”

            Few things are more odious and annoying than having to wait for someone. How many times have you had to wait hours to see a doctor for five minutes? I can understand some frustration in this case, but most of us get really angry if we have to wait more than five minutes in a Drive-Thru. Here, in the United States, patience is as low as my bank account—no one wants to wait.  All of us want to be first in line for everything.  We want to have it all, and we want it yesterday!

            In these days before Christmas, the masses’ impatience becomes more evident.  People run to and fro in search of the best deal and “last minute shopping.” One of the worst examples is the so-called “Black Friday.” On this day, many people abandon the Thanksgiving celebration and their own families, to get a great deal at the stores.

            The children of God must learn to wait on the Lord.  Patience is not only a virtue, but a fruit of the Spirit as well.  A Christian, who has learned to wait patiently on God, has obtained a great victory in the Lord.

            To wait on God is very difficult, but is not impossible.  He, who waits on the Lord, abandons himself to God’s will, holds onto the Rock of Salvation and trusts in the omnipotent God—the owner of heaven and earth and master of our future.

            Let us then, learn to wait on the Lord.  If doors are not opening right away, don’t worry; something (a door, window, and chimney) will open soon.  Even if all doors remain close for a long period of time, we still have hope in our Lord Jesus, and He is our everything.

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