2 Kings 9 (November 18)

                                                                    Fully Dressed

           “Gird up you lions…”

            A young, rebellious and undisciplined young man can learn many things in the Army.  I learned to,

            Wake up early in the morning and…

            Make my bed every day and…

            Exercise daily and…

            Wash my own clothes and take a bath.

            But most of all: I learned to be prepared and alert at all times.

            At the beginning, most of us would by unprepared as the (false) alarms would sound in the middle of the night.  These “readiness exercises” as they were called, would come at any time of the day and any day of the month.

            Then, we learned to go to sleep fully dressed—boots and all!  Never again were we surprised by an “invasion” or alarm.  We were ready! As the alarm would sound, we just needed to get up and start running.

            Jesus Christ is our General and we are his faithful soldiers.  As we don’t know when we shall be attacked by our adversary, it is vital for us to be alert and fully dressed with the armor of God.

            Dear brother or sister, we are in a (real) spiritual war.  Our enemies never sleep, so they have all the time in the world to prepare for a successful invasion of our soul.  Don’t you think we should be fully prepared too?

            Are you fully dressed?

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