1 Kings 20 (November 7)

                                                                    The Alarm

                “Do not listen or consent.”

            In the 1980s, the United States government declared the war against drugs.  To that end, they began a massive recruitment of D.E.A. agents and police officers.  The campaign slogan was, “Just say no to drugs.”

            While this is a noble idea and a catchy phrase, it is still very much incomplete.  When we say NO to something bad (e.g. drugs, alcohol, etc.), we must immediately say YES to something good. We must open the doors of our hearts to everything that is good and pure…and to God.

            We can apply the words of the elders of Israel to our daily battles with the kingdom of darkness.  Our minds must be trained in such a way that we can be able to detect and reject any evil insinuation.

            This kind of discipline will be possible only if our minds are submitted to God and guarded by the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit will be our interior and holy “alarm” which will scream,                                                          

            “Do not listen!”  

            “Do not consent!”

            “Do not sin!”

            Fill our hearts Oh God, with your blessed Holy Spirit.  Touch our minds with your cleansing and healing hand.  Let us know when we are in danger and keep us from evil.  And Lord, please give us the strength and the courage to say NO to sin and resounding YES to you, Amen.

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