1 Kings 15 (November 2)

                                                                Sick Feet

                “…he was diseased in his feet.”

            The fastest animals in the world came to the first-ever, international track and field animal Olympics. It was a momentous occasion! Among the participants that year were the Arabian horse, the American greyhound, the Australian ostrich and the jaguar from South America.

            All of these speedy animals were conscious that they were really competing for second place.  Truth be told, they were terrified about the possibility of being humiliated in the race by the almost “supersonic” Cheetah—the fastest of them all.  We can only imagine how exuberant was their joy when they learned that the African Cheetah was unable to attend!

           Our adversary, the devil, and his army of unclean spirits rejoice when a child of the King is injured, especially in his feet.  The forces of evil know that an immobile believer is a defeated believer.

           Our feet are very valuable for the work of God and the expansion of his Kingdom.  With our feet, we can stand on the ROCK; kneel before the Lord in humble adoration and run the Christian race (Hebrews 12:1-2).

          Take care of your (physical and spiritual) feet—you will need them to finish the race and to consummate the Great Commission of evangelizing the world.  If your feet are “sick,” pray to God for a speedy recovery and for a life-long dedication to his service.

            The best way is to bring our feet to the Lord and …shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;” (Ephesians 6:14)

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