1 Kings 11 (October 29)

                                                      Guard Your Cup

                “…his wives turned away his heart…”

            The period of courtship could be one of the most exciting seasons of a man’s life.  Then comes marriage—which can be wonderful too—but it is just a bit more difficult.  Why?  Counselor Jay Adams puts it clearly (and bluntly) in one of his many books, when he says that marriage is the union of two sinners.

            If marriage is so hard and problematic with just one wife, can you fathom how difficult it must have been for Solomon to please one thousand women?  The Bible tells us that the King of Israel was not able to control his great harem, yet his wives and concubines led him to destruction.

            Everything started when some of his wives turned his heart away from God, and inclined it to evil.  Little by little, Solomon went away from God’s straight path and fell into idolatry.

            The heart of a Christian is a cup filled with God’s blessings, which overflows and touches the lives of those around us.       But if we are not careful, our hearts can be slowly inclined to evil and all the blessings will be lost as our “cups” are tipped over by sin.  A cup placed upside down, can never be filled; a heart that is turned away from the Lord, is a cup that is unable to receive God’s blessings.

            Guard your heart above all things and turn your cup towards the Lord at all times.  Do not allow anyone to dissuade you from following Jesus in the narrow and straight path. As you continue to do this, you will be able to say with David, “You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over” (Psalm 23:5).

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