2 Samuel 11 (October 5)

                                                          Process and Chain

            King David wasn’t born a liar, adulterer, or assassin. He was born, as all of us, with a sinful nature; which by itself does not imply that he would become a murderer. But he was born as a sinner and as such, there was an unlimited potential for him to commit great crimes.

            Sin, whichever kind it might be, is a process and a chain. The word “process” refers to the fact that sin is similar to a small seed that can easily become a big tree. Sin may have small beginnings, but it grows at an accelerated pace.

            Sin is also a “chain,” not only because we are seduced and enslaved by it, but also because one sin often leads to another and another and another…

            “But David remained at Jerusalem.”

            David’s first sin was to abandon his leadership position in the battle. Instead of fighting for the Lord, he chose the “recliner and remote control” (or the palace’s comfort).

            “And was walking about on the roof…”

            Idleness always brings along a younger sister called “boredom.” A bored person wants “entertainment,” which in David’s case was a beautiful woman taking a bath. David could have chosen to pray or meditate in God’s word, but instead he chose to inquire about the woman.”

            The process of sin was already in motion. He saw the woman and inquired about her. Later on, he committed adultery, murder and other sins.

            Let us watch and pray. If David fell, anyone of us can easily fall into sin.

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