I Samuel 31 (September 24)

                                                                            The Avenger

            “So Saul…died…”

            “There is a time to die” (Ecclesiastes 1:2, paraphrase)

            “Justice may be slow, but it’s “sure.”

            “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord” (Rom 12:9).

               “But if you do not do so, then take note, you have sinned against the Lord; and be

sure your sin will find you out.” (Number 32:23)

            These phrases express one common idea: God’s justice will reach every sinner and pay them according to their sin.

            What is God trying to teach us here? In the first place, revenge belongs to God, never to us. He knows the name and address of your tormentors. God takes notes of their evil actions to bring a just retribution upon them on judgment day.

            The second lesson is that we can trust God with our lives. David learned to trust in God as he avoided avenging himself. He surely had ample opportunities to eliminate Saul, but he preferred to leave it up to God, while he trusted in the Lord for daily protection and wisdom.

            Do not hate your enemies and discard all revengeful thoughts. Self revenge is not the solution and it will never make you happy or even relieved. Trust in God and he will avenge you…in his time. Your detractors only deserve your most sincere pity and prayers.

            Leave it in God’s hands. He is the real Avenger (not like the fake “super heroes” from the Marvel movies). He will avenge you and will lift up your head. Wait on Him.

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