1 Samuel 23 (September 16)


            “…they wandered wherever they could go.”

            The famous (and satanic) song “Hotel California,” depicts a desperate man running frantically across a deserted hallway looking for an exit.  This “hotel”, which symbolizes hell, has no exit or escape door; consequently the man was always running in circles and returning to his original point of departure.

            In this world, a great multitude live in this manner.  Many people run to and fro, searching for happiness and fulfillment in their lives and failing every time.  This sorry lifestyle, is mostly practiced by unbelievers; although some Christians (like me), adopt it from time to time.

            Just as David did so many years ago, some of us jump from one church to another seeking peace, more knowledge or new experiences. This “church hop” is very detrimental for everyone involved. The church loses a family and the family loses a church family. 

            A change is sometimes necessary; perhaps one day, God will call you to go to another church or ministry.  You must seek his will diligently concerning the place where God wants you to be.

            Once you know it, and God’s will is confirmed clearly and unmistakably, stand firm in that glorious place and serve God.  Sure, there will be obstacles and challenges, but God will lead you to victory in spite of them.

            If you are tempted to jump (like a rabbit) from place to place, refuse to do it—unless God is commanding you.  If He is, then ask Him how high.

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