Joshua 19 (July 25)

                                                                By The Book

            “By command of the Lord they gave him…”

            The secret of a victorious life is to live under the guidance and power of the Word of God.  Our thought process must be directed by God at all times; but before he can do this, all negative and carnal thoughts must be rejected and replaced with godly and biblical convictions and notions.

            If we “hide” God’s Word in our hearts, God will employ it  to completely transform our attitude, words and conduct.  His Word is a spiritual detergent, which cleans and purifies human beings.

            This Word of life must be read with great expectations and received by faith.  Afterwards, the Holy Spirit will start applying what we have learned, to every needy area of our being; until the Word becomes a fountain in our souls, from which springs everything we do, think or say.

            The Word in us, will stimulate the desire to serve God by faith and with love.  God’s Word will motivate those who read it to live more for God, and less for themselves.  In other words, the faithful reading of the Bible drives away our ego, and brings us closer to God.

            Joshua was successful as he followed God’s commands.  Decide today to live according to God’s Word. Let the Word be to you what it was to David, who declared that the Word is a “lamp unto my feet” (Psalm 119:105). I encourage you to read, study, follow and obey God’s Word, but let me give you a fair warning:  It could change your life! 

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