Joshua 18 (July 24)


            “How long will you be slack…”

            The church of Jesus Christ is divided.  No, I am not referring to the numerous denominations sprawling all across the world.  I am not even considering the multiple divisions that split churches and separate brothers and sisters in the Lord almost on a weekly basis.

            The divisions I’m writing about, is between those Christians who are servants and those who are negligent or disobedient.  It is estimated that only five to ten percent of church members are active in their congregations.

            In which group are you today?

            I want to be an obedient servant.  I want to hear from Christ, words of praise such as; “good and faithful servant.”  (Matthew 25:23). I want to be diligent and not negligent.  How many of us will say with Paul: “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”  (Timothy 4:7).

            To be negligent is remarkably easy.  The only thing you must do, is to remain inactive in church, while the pastor and faithful Christians serve the Lord.  If  you choose to follow this path, you will be inducted into the “bench warmers” hall of fame for your contributions to the cause of negligence and apathy.

            I pray that you are a faithful and diligent believer, and that your life is dedicated to God’s service.  If this is not the case, you can start today. God will bless, and richly reward you for your service, but the best reward is found in knowing that God is well pleased with you.

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