Joshua 16 (July 22)

                                                                  Even the Children

            “The allotment of the Josephites…”

            When I read about the sons of Joseph, I am reminded about my own three sons.  Ephraim and Manasseh were born in Egypt:  A foreign country, with different culture and language. In a sense, they were foreigners because their mother was a gentile and their culture was Egyptian, not Hebrew.

            The Israelites and the foreigners that left Egypt behind received an inheritance in the Promised Land of Canaan.  Ephraim and Manasseh each received their allotment with the other tribes.

            What is the lesson to be learned from this story?

            In the first place, we learn about God’s unconditional and unprejudiced love.  Even though he chose the nation of Israel to be his holy people, he also loved the Gentiles.  God’s love was responsible for sending his only Son to die in our place on that terrible cross.

            Secondly, God is showing us that he chooses weak and insignificant people such as the Israelites and ourselves, to perform great wonders in His name.  His ways are mysterious, but God will accomplish his eternal purpose through his people and by his power.

            My sons speak very little Spanish, and the sons of Joseph probably didn’t know one word of Hebrew.  But that is not an obstacle for God.  He can use our children for his glory.  Let us then, live in such a way that we inspire them to love God and speak His language.

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