Deuteronomy 9 (June 11)

                                                                                 Cross the Jordan

             “You are about to cross the Jordan today…”

            Many theologians argue that the promised land of Canaan is a symbol of heaven.  According to them, this land represents the end of our pilgrimage through the wilderness of this world.  I agree with this assessment, because Canaan was a land that “flowed with milk and honey…” (Numbers 13:27).  Canaan must have seemed like a paradise to those who had only seen sand and more sand for the last forty years.

            Nevertheless—and with all respect to those great theologians and scholars—to me Canaan represents something more:  Canaan is a symbol of spiritual maturity and the victorious life of a believer. This can be appreciated even more, as we read the book of Joshua.  In its pages we can rejoice as we learn of Israel’s many victories over their enemies.  Where did it happen?   In Canaan, of course!

            Yes, Canaan is a symbol of maturity, victory and heaven, but to enter into this paradise you must first cross the river Jordan.  The crossing of this river represents, among other things, the step of faith that is necessary to become a believer.

            “…the Lord your God is the one who crosses over before you.”

            This Jordan also symbolizes the many barriers and obstacles that a believer finds on his way to maturity.  The way to victory is narrow and full of varied tests.  No one would be able to complete this perilous journey, were it not for Jesus who goes before us.

            Do not fear the “Jordan Rivers” of your life.  Christ has already crossed them and he will help us every step of the way.  I can see Him, waving at us to come to the other side.  Will you cross the Jordan today?

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