Giants Will Fall

                I am tired, very tired…and sore, very sore. I just finished cutting down the biggest cedar tree you will ever see. It was a giant of a tree; towering over 45 feet high, with a diameter in excess of four feet. It took me quite a few hours to achieve this victory with my very small electric chainsaw and a rope, but the tree fell down. I cannot begin to express to you my immense feeling of satisfaction as I saw that big giant topple at my feet.

              This is how David must have felt when he defeated Goliath. This Philistine was an intimidating giant; standing at over eigth feet tall. David didn’t have a chainsaw or a sword, but some stones and a slingshot. One stone it was all it took to take down the giant; one stone was enough in the name of the Lord (Read 1 Samuel 17).

              Are there giants in your life? If we are honest before the Lord, we must confess that all of us face giants from time to time, if not every day. There are many giants roaming around today and many times they gather together to attack us. All of these giants are big, powerful and very scary and they would defeat us so easily, were it not for the grace and mercy of God over our lives.

              There is an ugly giant named Fear and a pretty giant called Temptation. I have met a gloomy giant who goes by the name of Depression, who always walks together with his friends Doubt, Anxiety and Guilt. Some people have followed another group of giants and have become entangled in a vicious cycle of destruction, and no wonder for their names are Lies, Gossip, Slander and Envy. There are many other giants in this world, but the scariest bunch are wreaking havoc all over the place. They have no respect for age, race or nationality. They are the giants called  Murder, Drugs and Suicide.

              These giants will fall down in the presence of a victorious and obedient child of God. This is what happened to Goliath and this is what could have happened to the giants in Canaan if all the spies and all the people of Israel would have had Caleb’s courage and faith. It was he who exclaimed:

              “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30)

               That is precisely the kind of faith and courage you and I need. If we look at this world with our own eyes, we will always be afraid of the giants, or the waves ( read Matthew 14); but when we look through the eyes of faith, we will not be able to see any giants anymore. 

                Alexander Gonzalez



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