Genesis 33 (February 2)

                                                                           Crystal Clear

            “…to see your face is like seeing the face of God.”

            Child of God, the world needs to see the face of God reflected upon your countenance.  The light of Christ must shine on our faces so the lost can really see that Christ lives in us.

            Does this mean that the children of God are “gods” or equal to God?

            By no means!  Even though we are “blood” relatives, because we are redeemed by the precious blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit abides in our hearts, we are not divine.  God stands alone in essence, power and authority.  He alone is God.

            In spite of this obvious limitation, our lives can be transparent in such a way, that everyone would be able to see God in us.  Our testimony must be “crystal clear” in order to show the world that Jesus is the Lord.

            How can we accomplish this? Simply, by living a holy life filled with the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22, 23).  If your life glorifies Christ in words, thoughts and deeds; and if you are in the center of God’s will, then the world will know that God lives in you.

            God will not reveal himself personally, as with an audible voice from heaven; neither will he employ angelic messengers.  We have been redeemed for the sole purpose of declaring and revealing God to the world.

            Let us then be clear vases to show God’s glory in us and through us. A clear vase is a genuine Christian and a holy believer. Even though we are not perfect our lives can be like clean windows where the people of this world can peer inside and see Jesus.

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