Genesis 32 (February 1)

                                                            A Complete Prayer

            Jacob, distressed and afraid by the possibility of “danger”, uttered one of the most beautiful prayers in the Bible.  Here are some of the features of his exemplary prayer:

Biblical “O Lord who said to me…”

            Jacob based his prayer in God’s sweet promises.  When we pray, we can hang on to the promises in the Bible, because God will always keep his word.

Grateful I am not worthy of…steadfast love and…faithfulness…”

            Jacob remembered all of God’s blessings.  He also remembered that all f God’s blessings upon our lives are totally undeserved. Our prayers must be bathed with tears of joy and gratitude.

SincereDeliver me…for I am afraid…”

            God sees our hearts.  He knows our doubts and fears.  Why then, should we hide anything from God in our prayers? Let’s come to him with “naked hearts;” let us be honest with God and with ourselves.

PrivateJacob was left alone…”

            We should pray to God in our solitude, when no one is watching (Matt 6:6).  In private, the communion with God is sweeter and his presence is more real.

Persistent…wrestled with him…I will not let you go…”

            “Pray without ceasing.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  This must be the goal of every Christian.  Prayer is not a lazy activity, it is a battle.  When we pray, we must do so with all our strength, hanging onto God’s throne until we receive an answer.

            Brethren, wrestle with God in prayer and He will wrestle with all your problems.

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