Spirit of Victory “Do not fear or be dismayed;” If you love sports like me or even if you are just a…
Category: Reading the Bible in Three Years-Year One
Joshua 7 (July 13)
Achan’s Curse “Israel has sinned:” The wall of Jericho fell; the city was conquered and burned to the ground,…
Joshua 6 (July 12)
Walls “…and the wall…will fall down…” Who would have ever imagined the fall of the Berlin Wall in…
Joshua 5 (July 11)
Enemies? “Are you one of us, or one of our adversaries?” When you gaze upon your fellow believers,…
Joshua 4 (July 10)
Good Questions “When your children ask…” Children are small creatures with an enormous amount of curiosity. Little children especially, are very much interested in knowing everything. They touch, smell, break, taste and ask…Oh, how they ask! Wise are the…
Joshua 3 (July 9)
Similar, Yet More Blessed “Follow it…” The Ark of the Covenant represented the very presence of God to the people…
Joshua 2 (July 8)
The Blood “Then she tied the crimson cord…” The story of Rahab and the spies in Jericho is intriguing…
Joshua 1 (July 7)
Courageous “Only be strong and very courageous…” …
Deuteronomy 34 (July 6)
Love Today, Cry Tomorrow “The Israelites wept for Moses…” A man was weeping uncontrollably…
Deuteronomy 33 (July 5)
The Best Refuge “Happy are you, O Israel!” One of my favorite…