Isaiah 9    (August 17)

                                                     Sleeping Pills

            “…Prince of Peace.”

             An elderly Christian woman suffered from insomnia. Every night she had to take pills for her nerves and even then, she hardly ever sleep. Every night she would count the hours until the dawn

            She would worry constantly about her three children. The oldest one was in the war; the girl was married to an alcoholic and abusive man; and her youngest son was in jail because he had stolen some money.

            There are times when we face difficult situations in life. “The normal” reaction of human beings is to worry and fill their soul with anxiety. The only ones that benefit from this sad state of affairs are doctors, pharmacists, undertakers and the devil.

             The first three become rich from our nervousness and anxieties, and our adversary enjoys himself when he sees that another Christian is paralyzed by fear, worries or anxiety.   But Christ is the Prince of Peace. He can calm our nerves and overcome all the fears of our hearts. He is the owner of true peace and he wishes for his disciples live in peace with God, his fellow men, and themselves.

            If you are a Christian, do not search for peace in pills; you have already found it in Jesus, the PRINCE OF PEACE. The peace that Christ gives is eternal and totally unrelated to our circumstances.

           Christ died and resurrected to give us life and peace in abundance. We can enjoy peace every single day, even in the days when our world seems to come crashing down on us. We can have peace in the storm, joy in our trials and hope in the dark days.

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