Proverbs 21    (July 14)

                                                  Total Victory

            “…but the victory belongs to the Lord.”

            Our Lord has made us more than conquerors in Christ. When Christ died on the cross and resurrected, he achieved what no man could (or ever can) accomplish: Total victory over sin, death and the devil.

            Men can triumph now and then, but this triumph is always very far from being total and permanent.

            An example can be seen in the professional basketball team of the city of Chicago. The “Chicago Bulls” were champions for three consecutive years. They were almost unbeatable, but one year they faced a more powerful team, who defeated them and the mighty “Bulls” ceased to be the champions.

            No one in this world is unbeatable. Not even the famous (and fake) Superman. Championship teams lose their crowns, famous movie stars and singers are quickly forgotten and the same happens to politicians all the “celebrities.”

           The children of God are victorious and unbeatable, just as long as we walk closely with Jesus. Even defeats and failures shall not overcome the obedient and faithful child of God. One day we shall be totally invincible when we arrive to the eternal kingdom of Christ.

            The Lord gives us victory over sin. Christians can live without practicing sin, and we should not fear the devil, as long as we remain in a close communion with Christ.

            The Lord has given us the victory. We cannot expect to win outside of Christ; who is our Strength. We are weak and our intelligence is limited, but in Christ—I say one more —time, in Christ we are more than victorious. Praise be to God!

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