Psalms 145-146    (June 22)

                                                                    Total Confidence

      “The Lord upholds…and raises up…”

            I can still remember the days when my children began to learn how to walk. At first they held my hands tight, later they ventured a few steps by themselves; knowing that if they fell, they would be quickly lifted up by their dad. As time passed they learned to walk, and soon after that they started running, and how they ran!

            Nevertheless, there are still times when they stumble and fall. Fortunately for them, they can count on loving parents that come to their “rescue” when they stumble and fall. If I, being an imperfect father, would do any sacrifice for my children, how much more will our Celestial Father do for us!

            He sustains us with love through the hard times of life and he lifts us up when we fall. His wish is to see us prosper in our Christian lives. He steadies our steps with knowledge and takes us by the hand through valleys and mountains.

            We can call on him like Peter did when he was drowning in the raging sea. “Save me Lord!” He said, and we must do the same, when due to our own negligence, we let go of that loving hand and fall.

            Christ will lift us up from the well of depression, the swamp of discouragement and infernal storms of life. The author of these lines knows that pain is real, because even today he finds himself close to that awful well. But he also knows, as the Psalmist knew, that God is greater than all the circumstances and that He is our constant Helper.

            Let us learn to trust a little more in Christ—he is worthy of our confidence. He will raise us up from the hole that we have fallen.

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