Poverty of Heart

                 A man and his wife went to the cardiologist to get the results of all the tests that the doctor had ordered or prescribed for him. After almost two hours of waiting, the desperate couple saw the doctor opening the door and they held their hands as if they were hoping to receive a good prognosis…

                “I’m afraid I only have bad news to give you today” The doctor said, matter-of-factly

                The couple was stunned when they heard this, but before they could ask or reply anything, the doctor added,

                “Sir, your heart has a disease called “Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy” and there are also many indicators of a possible heart attack in the next few weeks and…”

                “Is there no hope at all?” The anxious wife interrupted the doctor.

                “None, unless you find a brand new heart for your husband in the next week or so, and let me assure you that the waiting list for a heart transplant is very long.”

                A brand new heart… This is what the millions of lost people in this world need. Some of them might really need a heart transplant, but the overwhelming majority needs a new spiritual heart to replace their heart of stone.

               The old Pharaoh needed a new heart, but he rejected every overture and wonder from the Lord and he hardened his heart many times (Exodus 7:13, 14, 22).

                The angry and greedy Nabal needed a new heart, but he died of a heart attack caused by great anger and unforgiveness (1 Samuel 25:37).

                Sihon, the king of Heshbon needed a new heart, but he did not allow Israel to pass and lost everything he had (Deuteronomy 2:29-31).

                Belshazzar needed a new heart, but he followed his pride and lost his kingdom (Daniel 5)

                Jesus’ own disciples needed a new heart to understand the ways of the Lord (Mark 8:17)

                You (if you are a Christian) and I needed a brand new spiritual heart, and our Lord fulfilled his promise to us:

                And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26)

                In Christ we are indeed a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). We have a new mind, a new heart and a new kind of life. The old, stony and deceitful heart (Jeremiah 17:9) has been discarded and replaced with a heart that beats for God.

                A. G.

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