In the “Drawer” of the Heart
“Let those who are wise give heed to these things… “
A wise man is similar to an old man that always took care of all his possessions. One day he decided to sell all of his “antiques” in an auction. He was greatly surprised, when he became a millionaire overnight.
Wise are those that store the knowledge and wisdom of God in their heart. All the wealth of this world cannot begin to compare to the spiritual and eternal riches we have in Christ. Take our salvation, for example. There is not enough money in the whole universe that can buy for us a minute of salvation and yet, a drop of the precious blood of Christ is sufficient to secure eternal life for all those who believe in his name.
Every Christian can become a spiritual millionaire, if he or she is wise enough not to throw away anything that God teaches them throughout their lives. Let us learn then, to store all of the Lord’s teachings in our hearts.
In this Psalm we are told of a sovereign and majestic God— a God who can pardon or condemn; bless or curse; enrich or impoverish. He is a God, who is also rich in mercy towards those who repent.
What are the treasures that you keep in the “drawers” of your heart?
In Christ we have many treasures, including the love of God, his abundant grace, his glorious forgiveness, his divine wisdom and all the gifts and blessings of his Spirit.
Only a disciplined Christian, will be able to accumulate spiritual treasures beyond measure. As an antique piece gains value as years go by, so also will Christ and his Word in our hearts, will become an invaluable asset in this life, and for all eternity.