Protective Wings
“Many times he delivered them…”
A boy is rescued just before he drowns in the ocean…
A boy falls on top of a sharp, speared fence and survives…
A child falls from a building and suffers no harm…
A man’s loses control of his vehicle and spins around and around on a busy highway and comes out unscathed…
What do all these people have in common?
All crossed the valley of the death…
All were saved by God…
All of this happened…to me.
I am very grateful for the things that God has done for me throughout my life. God has saved me from many dangers known and unknown, and has guided my path with love and patience. I must have had a large group of angels assigned to protect me. I don’t know why God chose to save and rescue me, but I’m glad he did.
Israel was saved by God on innumerable occasions. God rescue them from the Egyptians, the Amalekites, the Philistines, the Assyrians and many others. I have been spared quite a few times myself, and I know that God has also delivered you.
However, our greatest danger is not an automobile accident, nor the deep blue sea. The greatest danger, the “real danger” is to die without Christ in your heart. If you are a Son of God, rejoice with me. God has freed us from sin, hell and eternal death. We can live safely and secure under his protective wings.