Psalms 40, 41    (May 7)

                                                        Thinking of You

            “…but the Lord takes thought for me.”

            A soldier far away from his home is like a flower that withers in the desert heat. A sailor away from his own family is like a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. An astronaut in space longs to return to the Earth.

            But one day they receive a letter from their loved ones and the sun shines again for them. The letter is like a ray of light in the midst of a cloudy day. That letter carries an important message:                                                                                                                        

            “Someone still loves you and thinks of you.”

            Christians are soldiers of the Lord. We are pilgrims in this world; we long to be in our celestial home. The days on this earth are often tedious and full of bitterness. The battle against the devil and his followers, at times seem to have no end.            

            At other times it feels as if the church of Christ was being defeated. However, we must always remember that God gave us his Word, the Bible; which is full of divine letters of love, consolation and hope. Every time we read the Bible we are lifted and renewed by God. Every time we read his Word, it is as if we are reading a letter from home.

            God thinks of us and He never abandons or even forgets us. I do not know if you are glad to know this information, but I rejoice in the fact that God, the King of the universe, thinks of me every day.

            The Bible testifies that God loves us.

            The Holy Spirit gives us testimony that we are sons and daughters of God.                    

            And all of creation declares that God thinks of us each and every day.

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