Psalms 9, 10     (April 21)

                                                 Total Joy

            “…rejoice in your deliverance.”

            The most precious gift in the entire universe and the greatest miracle ever, is the salvation of our souls based on Christ’s ultimate sacrifice. The Bible says and I believe it, that we were saved from the condemnation of sin by the blood of Christ, by which we were bought, redeemed, and regenerated.

            We were slaves of the devil (John 8:44); we were spiritually blind (2 Corinthians 4:4); we were dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1) and we were foreigners to all things pertaining to godliness, righteousness and holiness. Furthermore, we lived in sin and rejoiced in our sinful lifestyle. We were destitute of any spiritual power and fell short of God’s glory because of our iniquities (Romans 3:23)

            There is not (nor ever will be), enough money in the world that could buy eternal life in heaven. No amount of money or good works is enough to acquire justification. Nonetheless, God gives us the gift of salvation, if we only believe in his SON.

            There is no greater joy than to be saved and to be loved by Christ. When everything is going wrong, we can rejoice in our grand and undeserved salvation. The darkest days in this earthly life can be endured and overcome, if we fix our eyes on the eternal hope of glory that we have in Christ.

            We should not be concerned with our problems or ask why? Let us be joyful in the fact that God chose us to be the heirs of eternal life in heaven. We have been delivered from sin in Christ and this should be reason enough for us to rejoice eternally.

            Are you rejoicing today?

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