One that Came Back
“If mortals die, will they live again?”
The question that Job asked is simple, but profound at the same time. This same question I asked myself many times when I was a child, but was never able to find an answer to my dilemma.
Job was a man of faith, but in his days the concept of a corporeal resurrection was not very developed. His faith led him to think that he would one day see God, but he was not very sure. Would it be in body or only in soul?
All human beings ask this same question, and the devil is quick to answer. He tells them to take “advantage” of this life, because after death there is no more life. How foolish and sad it is to believe this infernal lie.
Among many Hispanics there is a saying, “No one can take away what I have already danced!” They voice with these words, their erroneous belief that there is no life after death. Fortunately, not all Hispanics think this way!
Will man live again after death?
Yes, we will live again.
Yet many still ask,
How can we be sure, if no one has come back from the dead?
To which I respond with great satisfaction:
“There is ONE that triumphed over death. ONE that resurrected; and his name is Jesus. In him, we have the hope of resurrection and everlasting life. In him we will not die, on the contrary we will pass from death, to never-ending life.”