Esther 8     (March 7)

                                      Praying, Obeying and Searching

             “If it pleases the king…”

             Esther found the correct manner to approach a king.  Her timely petition teaches us how we should pray and ask Christ, our King. It is common knowledge that many Christians don’t even know how to pray and those that do, barely use this great power to its fullest extent.

            Nowadays many “pray” in ways that are irreverent and anti-biblical.  Their petitions are not requests to an Omnipotent God; they resemble demands to a “god” that should act according to our whishes.

            When Esther said: “If it pleases the King,” she meant to say, “if it is your desire, oh King.”  Our requests will not be answered, if they are not in accordance with the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

            “… and I have found grace”

            When we pray, we should be sure to confess all our sins; any other way we will not find “grace” or favor in the presence of God.  It is not sufficient that we pray in accordance to God’s holy wishes, it is also necessary “to be favorable in his eyes.”

            Is it possible to pray asking for God’s will and not receive an answer?

            I believe that if someone prays, and he is not prepared to receive the will of God, there will be no answer to prayer.  Why?  I can say this happens simply because the grace of God has not been received in his heart.  Maybe there is still sin in his life, or his heart is not very faithful to the Lord.

            In other words, God will only answer prayers that are lifted to him according to his divine will, by Christians that obey his voice and search for it.

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