2 Chronicles 22 (January 22)


            “He remained hidden in the house of God”

            The house of God in Jerusalem was considered a holy place.  In the same manner, the temples of many religions around the world have been respected (and worshipped) throughout history.  For many centuries, temples have been a refuge for thieves, murderers, and fugitives.  While criminals remained within those “holy” walls, they were safe and nobody would dare profane the temples for fear of being accused of sacrilege.

            When the church of Christ gathers together in a temple, they should first of all do it for the purpose of worshipping the Lord.  There, in the sanctuary, we as believers can find refuge and comfort.  How wonderful it is to find shelter in the hands of the Lord!  A refuge of love can be found when we hide ourselves in the communion and fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ!

            Every church can become a refuge of peace, if you and I become peacemakers.  The emotional hurts and spiritual damage cannot be healed with criticism, insolent looks, or indifference.  What our brothers and sisters in Christ need are open arms, attentive ears and a smile…can you offer these things to a brother or sister who is hurt or tired?  Hopefully you are not one of those so called “brothers or sisters” who instead of offering refuge are cruel and insensitive to the needs of others.

            If you have not been a peacemaker, remember that you can repent and ask the Lord to change you.  He will remove from you any spirit of indifference and apathy and any superiority complex you might have.

            Are you a peacemaker?

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