2 Chronicles 23 (January 23)

                                                                             My Weapon

            “…each with his weapons in his hand”

            I know a little boy who on numerous occasions has misplaced his Bible.  Sometimes he leaves it in the Sunday school classroom, sometimes on the pew of the sanctuary, or some other places.  Having the Bible with him makes it hard to play with his friends, so he just leaves it anywhere.

            When it’s time to go home, he almost always forgets to pick up his Bible and just leaves without it.  Sometimes he finds the Bible on the next Sunday service at church, but sometimes he doesn’t.

            This careless and negligent attitude about his Bible is a very common practice of many Christians, young and old alike.  Some go to church without their Bible.  Others forget where they have placed it, like the boy in the story.  Even those who do take their Bibles to church can struggle at times to open and read them.

            The Bible is a powerful weapon that God has given to his children.  With it, we can resist the enemy’s attacks, and attack the kingdom of darkness. One biblical writer labels the Holy Bible God as,

            “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God…” (Ephesians 6:17).

             The Bible is our source of divine light in this world. Another inspired author puts it this way:

            “Your word is a lamp to my feet
             And a light to my path.”
(Psalm 119:105)

            If we want to be victorious in Christ we can’t forget about our Bibles.

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