2 Kings 19 (November 28)

                                                                      God’s Hook

           “I will put my hook on your nose…”

            The Assyrians were cruel, depraved and totally wicked—it’s no wonder that Jonah refused to preach to them.  Jonah was afraid…

            …of the Assyrians evil ways.

            He was even more afraid…

            …that God could forgive them.

            Their arrogance was so intricately rooted in their minds, that they truly believed themselves to be invincible.  What they didn’t realize was that God had used them to punish rebellious and idolatrous kingdoms.  Drunken with their great military victories, they turned against the Lord and mocked his holy name.

            I pray that we will never defy the Lord—it is a very dangerous and sinful practice.  One thing is to complain, or even question God, but he or she who defies the Lord is guilty of rebellion and treason.

            The mighty Assyrians became personally acquainted with the finger of God.  They were running like wild horses until they openly ridiculed Israel and his God; they were stopped by the…HOOK!

            On some occasions I have felt God’s hook pulling me away from a sinful opportunity.  Even though these have been rather painful experiences, I am thankful to God for keeping me from many worldly “pleasures” which could only lead to more trouble and greater pain.

            God’s hook of love, will keep you from the devil’s hook of death.

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