Deuteronomy 20 (June 22)

                                                                        Green Light or Red Light

            “He should go back to his house…”

            In every sanctuary or church building, there should be a “heart detector.”  This equipment would be able to detect if anyone is coming to worship or not, and if their motivations are correct.

            At one end of this sophisticated machine there would be cables that, when attached to a person’s heart, it would measure the “spiritual heart beats.”  At the other end you would find two different lights.

            A green light means ready access into the sanctuary.  A red light, on the other hand, signals a prohibition to enter unless there is a true repentance. This would be indicated by a green light once again.

            Before you go to church, you would do well to examine the “color” of your heart.  The best thing we can do is to prepare ourselves with prayer and perhaps a devotional reading.  By doing this we can make sure that our heart is being “colored” or prepared by God.

            A “red” or impure heart indicates that our motivations to attend may include, pleasing the pastor or church leaders, getting out of the house, seeing someone that we like at church or to avoid criticism.  As you can appreciate, these are not proper or right reasons to attend worship services.

            The “green heart” is sincere in his desire to worship and it’s full of love for Jesus.  A person with a green heart comes with gladness and is hungry for God.  Still others have broken hearts and are looking for divine healing.  What is the color of your heart?

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