Exodus 19 (March 10)

                                                                In the Mountain with God

            “Then Moses went up to God…”

            In his song entitled, “New point of View,” Bill Gaither sings about a very interesting personal experience.

            One day he took a trip on a hot-air balloon over the city.  During his aerial journey, he noticed that the houses, boats and cars didn’t look as big as they did before.  Everything was small and rather insignificant when seen from above.

            When we spend time in the “mountain” of God; when we enjoy his majestic presence, then all those “big” problems become invisible.  There is no place there for worries, and our ambitions and selfish dreams evaporate like morning dew. When we are surrounded by God’s blazing glory, our eyes are amazingly blinded by his beauty and the darkness and futility of this world is put on display.

            In the mountain of the Lord we find a new point of view, a new perspective on life. In the mountain of the Lord we feel closer to heaven and distant from the cares of this life. In the mountain of the Lord we can hear his Voice, see his Glory, taste his Goodness, touch his Heart and experience his Presence.

            Eternity becomes visible, and suddenly we start longing again for the return of Jesus to take us home.

            Let us ascend to God’s mountain in fervent prayer.  As we spend time with the Lord, we shall be equipped to minister in the world.

            Listen to God’s voice calling you today:

            “Come up to my Mountain!”

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