Genesis 43 (February 12)

                                                                     Tears for God

            “So he went into a private room and wept there.”

            There are occasions in our pilgrimage through this earth, when we are overcome with grief or joy.  On those moments we cry, because crying is an outlet for intense emotions.  Crying brings healing to our wounded soul.

            I have seen little children run to their mothers to cry in their lap.  I have witnessed sad funeral services were everyone is crying uncontrollably over the loved one that has departed forever.  I have also experienced firsthand, the sadness of “goodbyes”, and the inexpressible joy of family reunions. 

            One of the most beautiful family reunions ever is found, not in the Oprah show, but in this chapter of the Bible.  Joseph cried when he was reunited with his brothers, specially with the young Benjamin.  He ran into his room and cried.  His tears were probably a mixture of  happiness and sad memories, but the fact is that Joseph found a private place to cry before the Lord.

            Do you have place where you can cry in the presence of God?

            The best place to cry is in the loving arms of God.  He knows our pain and understands our fears.  He cries with us as we pour our soul before him.  He forgives when we reach out to him in agony and guilt.  God dries our tears with his enduring compassion and eases our pain.  I know.  I’ve cried many times for the forgiveness of my sins and for the death of my father, and every time I have felt the soothing touch of the Eternal.  God has seen the tears that no one sees and through those tears I’ve seen the God that I couldn’t see before.         

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