Genesis 31 (January 31)

                                                  Looking Up

            “Look up and see…”

            One day, while visiting his family in the country, a man observed the animals, especially during feeding time.  The ones that impressed him the most were the sheep and the pig.  The sheep came to him and ate from his hand.  There was a wonderful connection between them.

            The pig on the other hand did not even come near him.  When he attempted to touch him, he ran away and when he fed him, he just buried his face in the trough and didn’t show any type of gratitude.

            God is telling us today:  “Look up.”  In Colossians 3:2, the apostle Paul exhorted the believers to:  “Set your minds on things that are above…,” Or as Hebrews 12:2 puts it, “…looking to Jesus the Author and perfecter of our faith…”

            Are you sad or depressed? Look up.

            When we look up, we can walk among the burning flames; sleep among hungry lions and even walk on an angry, tempestuous sea. When we look up, we can see the sun and the stars shinning (depending on the time of the day) and give thanks to the Creator that made them, and us. When we look up, we are looking at our real home and the things of this earth suddenly lose their value, and our problems seem to disappear.

            When is a good time to look up? The time is NOW.  We can lift our faces and gaze into the God of infinite grace.  Now is the time to stop acting like “pigs.”  Remember that we are the “sheep of his pasture” (Psalm 100:3) and as sheep we must follow and serve our Good Shepherd.

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