Genesis 25 (January 25)

                                                                         Sweet Death

            “… and was gathered to his people.”

            Have you ever thought about your own death?  Death is the most guaranteed event of our lives.  The probability of death is still one out of one, and is intricately connected to us, as a fish is to the sea.  In other words, death is a perfectly natural occurrence and its visit shouldn’t surprise us; but it does, because no one is ever completely prepared to face death.

            Abraham died and was gathered to his people.  What people?  Abraham was reunited with Adam, Enoch, Noah, and many other servants of the living God.  Ever since the time of Abraham, mankind has believed in the afterlife, even the Egyptians!  This is why God was called the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, simply because they were alive with God after death.

            There is a multitude of believers waiting for us in God’s glorious presence.  This is God’s family; these are the people of God from every age and race.  One day we will be reunited forever with them, either through death, or through the “Rapture.”

            Our faith in the Lord we love gives us hope for the future. We have faith in the Christ that died for us on the cross and resurrected three days later. We will die physically one day, but we will live forever through the power of the resurrection.

            If everything I have been saying is true (and surely it is), then death is not as bad as they say.  Death for the Christian is the bridge leading to a better life.  Death also will gather us with our true family in heaven and with our Lord Jesus Christ.

            Isn’t death sweet?   

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