Genesis 26 (January 26)

                                                                      Say No to Egypt

            “Do not go down to Egypt…”

            Egypt, in the Bible represents the world and its pleasures, just as Babylon is as symbol of idolatry and false religions.  In “Egypt” you can find everything (except God of course), that you want.

            No wonder God advised Isaac personally not to go down to Egypt.  Why?  Because going back to Egypt means taking a step back in our Christian life; it means, leaving the Mountain of the Lord and descending into the valley of sin and death.

            But, doesn’t God send us into the valley to preach his saving Gospel? He certainly does.  The difference is found in the purpose or motivation to go back to “Egypt.”  One thing is to descend as God’s ambassadors to spread the Good News, and quite another to go back to the world to satisfy our carnal appetites.  It is not the same to feed the unbelievers with the “Bread of heaven,” as to be fed with the tastier, yet poisonous “food” of the world.

            “Isaac dug again the wells…”

            When there is need in our lives (and who is not needy?), God wants us to return, no to Egypt, but to Him.  He will give us power, wisdom and strength. There is nothing for us in this world. God has provided everything we need.

            We can dig another well, we can begin anew.  How can we dig wells of blessings?

            With prayer.  He will hear our cries of desperation and will come to our rescue in his always-perfect time.  God will open heaven’s windows and pour his manifold blessings over us, so that we never again return to Egypt.

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