Painting the Heart “Take to heart all the words…” A good painting contractor was hired to paint…
Category: Reading the Bible in Three Years-Year One
Deuteronomy 31 (July 3)
Explorers “It is the Lord who goes before you.” In the Movie…
Deuteronomy 30 (July 2)
From the Valley to Victory “…from there the Lord your God will…
Deuteronomy 29 (July 1)
Spiritual Cement “…in order that he may establish you today” “Riiiing…!”…
Deuteronomy 28 (June 30)
Real Treasure “The Lord will open for you his…
Deuteronomy 27 (June29)
In the Silence “Keep silence and hear…” “Be quiet!” “But Mom, I…
Deuteronomy 26 (June 28)
Declarations of Love “Today I declare to the Lord…” I still…
Deuteronomy 25 (June 27)
Vive la Différence “Suppose two persons have a dispute…” Disagreements and…
Deuteronomy 24 (June 26)
Happy Homes “…to be happy with the wife whom he has…
Deuteronomy 23 (June 25)
Special Army “No one…shall be admitted to the assembly” During…