One, Two, Three, Four …
“So teach us to count our days….”
In a hospital’s maternity ward, two pregnant women chatted:
One of them asked:
“How many more days are left until you give birth?”
The expecting mother replied,
“According to my calculations, I still have four months, three weeks and one day left.” Pregnant women are not the only ones that keep track of the days. Newly engaged couples celebrate their “anniversary” on a weekly basis, and when they finally get married, they celebrate it every year.
We as Christians must also learn to count our days. When the psalmist talks about “counting,” he is referring to the fact that every day is a very important one. Each day is a precious gift from God, in other words we must not only count our days, but every day counts, because every single day is important.
Moses tells us in this psalm, that life is short, as short as a thought. Our days, according to him, are like the grass that grows and then withers; sometimes in the same day!
For this reason we should plan our days wisely. Each minute that is wasted, will never be recuperated, and all of us will have to give an account to God of what we did with our days, whether they were many or too few.
Let us keep track of each day that we walk with Christ, so we can live according to his Word. Let us count or better yet, subtract each day, because each day that goes by, bring us a bit closer to Eternity.