Psalms 23, 24     (April 28)

                                                                 My Shepherd

            “The Lord is my shepherd…”

            This beautiful and well known psalm was written by David, and is filled with promises and teachings for the children of God. This Psalm has been used by God countless times to bring comfort and strength to those who are sick, dying, or experiencing fiery trials and tribulations in their lives

            Christ and Yahweh are one and the same. Christ is our God— the “Good Shepherd.”   We are his sheep and we belong only to him. At the same time he is our Lord and King. He died and resurrected so we would be His forever.

            Christ is also the Shepherd, or as John 10 declares, “the Good Shepherd.” There is no other shepherd for the redeemed. His sheep only listen to his voice and follow Him (John 10:27), for all others are false shepherds.

            “I shall not want.”

            Having a Shepherd like Christ fills us with hope and peace. We can live confident that he will take care of us. He promises us that nothing we need will be lacking. We can trust in his timely and abundant providence.

            We will lack nothing physically, socially, emotionally or spiritually. Our Shepherd will supply all that we need, and add to what we are missing, so we can become mature children of God.

            “He leads me…”

We can be assured that our Shepherd will never leave us alone. He will guide us every step of the way, until we reach our heavenly home.

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