Job 41     (April 16)


            “…they clasp each other and cannot be separated.”

             The skin or outer covering of the crocodile is as hard as iron.  It has been said that not even bullets can go through the thick scales or shields that protect the crocodile. I don’t think that is entirely true, but I agree that an alligator skin or scales are extremely dense, solid and almost impenetrable.

             God created these ferocious reptiles this way.  Everyone fears the crocodile, but the crocodile does not fear anyone.  They walk confident with their unconquerable fortress, which is their coat of scales. 

             Thinking of the connection that exists between each scale of the crocodile, I cannot help but desire with all my heart, that this same connection and “togetherness” were more evident among Christians. 

             Christ died so we would be saved and integrated in one body and one family.  We are, as Romans 12:5 says, “…the body of Christ and members of one another.” We might have different races, nationalities, talents and levels of maturity in Christ, but we all belong to the same family, for God is our Father and Jesus is our Lord.

             Who can tear us apart if we walk in this unity? 

             Who can defeat us if love each other? 

             Let us walk united in Christ in this world. Let us be more united than the scales of the alligator. Nothing should come between the children of God, except for the Holy Spirit. If we have the same Lord and Savior, then unity is not only possible, but a wonderful reality

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