Job 31     (April 6)

                                                   The Witness

             “…let the Almighty answer…”

            Job reached a conclusion: He realized that he could not defend himself alone against all his enemies and so-called friends. He used all types of arguments but without any positive result. The more he would try to defend himself, the more they would attack and criticize him. Therefore he decided to leave his defense in God’s hands; he should have done this from the beginning.

            When you are harmed or insulted by others, what is your reaction? Some of us seek revenge, others try to defend themselves like Job did and there are those that remain silent, but keep bitterness and hatred in their hearts.

            Nevertheless, Job learned (the hard way), the correct way to react, or better yet, to respond to all the attacks. He found himself in a vicious trial, in which the devil and men accused to him. The judge — who was God— kept quiet. To whom would Job look for in search of aid?                      

            Let us do today what Job did thousands of years ago. Let us stop defending ourselves and allow God to defend us. God knows how to do it better than we ever could. He will testify for us.

            The Lord is our avenger and defender, of whom shall we be afraid? The Bible declares that, “…if God is for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31). In another passage we learn that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4).Therefore, we should not fear our enemies or seek revenge because God has promised:

            “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

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