Nehemiah 3 (February 18)

                                                  Piece of Wall

            “Next to him…repaired…”

            Today I heard a beautiful testimony from a sister in Christ named Doris. She told us how someone gave her a trailer or mobile home, which she has been using for her Sunday school class.

            There was a small problem, however; the trailer, similar to a train cart, needed restoration. Doris told us of all the limitations she had.  She did not have the time to do the restoration herself, since she was at the time a mother of four small children.  Her economic resources were also very limited and her knowledge of architecture and construction did not extend beyond those of a five year old child.

            Doris told us then, how the Lord sent her five men… or where they angels?  These men came from a church that was very far away, to offer her their services. “But I cannot pay you!”  Doris exclaimed.   “Do not worry, Doris,” answered the servants of God.  “We will worry about the restoration and the cost.”

            If this is not a miracle from God, it comes very close.  Nehemiah was confronted with a very similar situation.  The work was too much for him, to accomplish all by himself and God provided men, women, youth and even children, which worked side by side until the restoration was completed.

            Would you like to be a restorer in the name of the Lord?  Maybe you have the time, the money or the talent that can be used towards the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

            Join your forces with someone that is serving the Lord, help them, encourage them and work alongside with them. There is a piece of a wall that is waiting for you.

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