Working or Activating
“…to have oversight of the work”
The work of the Lord is plentiful across the globe, but like Jesus said one day, “the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37). The gospel has been extended all over the world and has penetrated into all the continents through the work of missionaries, churches, radio, evangelistic literature and television.
The work of the Lord needs many workers today that are prepared in mind and body. Let us pray fervently to the Lord, so he may bring forth new pastors, teachers, theologians, writers, missionaries, doctors and other professionals to the mission field; ready to work with dedication for his cause.
The work of the Lord needs to be activated by all his children. The workers are ministers of the Lord. What can the others do to activate the work and energize our brothers and sisters in Christ?
We could accomplish this by:
Prayer for the work and the workers
Offerings and sacrificial giving for missions
Letters or other communication to offer support
Everything we do for the Lord is valuable. Some can work and some can activate. Perhaps God is calling you to be a worker in the mission field. Now remember, the mission field is the entire world. You can be an overseas or a domestic missionary. You can also be an activator by helping those who do the work.
What are you doing? What are you activating?