2 Chronicles 36 (February 5)

                                                                     A Good Find

            “…and what was found against him,”

            In one of the many episodes of the cartoon show “Yogi Bear” we see a very funny scene:

            “Hey, Yogi! What are you doing around the tourists? Have you eaten something that does not belong to you?” The angry Park Ranger asked the hungry bear.

            “No sir, replied the lying bear, I have not eaten anything.

            When the ranger got a closer look at Yogi he saw in his hands and face what was left of an apple pie.

            If you had to stand before the throne of Christ today, what would be found in you?

            Have you taken something that does not belong to you?

            Have you ever lied in your life?

            Have you done things that are shameful and unforgivable?

            Oh Lord, it is my deepest wish to be found worthy in your presence.  Examine me oh Lord, and rebuke me today. When I come before your throne, my heart’s desire is to hear words of joy and acceptance.

            What will you find in me that day oh Lord? I ask.

            Will you find pure gold or straw? Will there be feasting and rejoicing in heaven or will I have to enter through the “rear door” with my head bowed down in sadness?

            I ask these things oh Lord, because I wish to change and be more like Jesus.  Everything that I find in Him, I want you to find in me on the day that I meet you face to face. I know that my righteousness will never be enough, but Christ in me is my hope of glory forever.

            Do you, my dear reader, have the same desire?

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